What to Keep in Your Toyota Vehicle Emergency Preparedness Kit for Winter

By: Whitehorse Toyota   |   12 Jan 2022
Snowy and dark winter road

Winter is coming to Whitehorse and any local resident knows just how challenging our snowiest season can be. Whether you’re staring down a lengthy daily commute or heading into the Yukon backcountry for regular hunting trips, it’s important to be prepared for the unexpected. That’s why the team at Whitehorse Toyota always recommends keeping an emergency preparedness kit in your Toyota vehicle, particularly during the winter months.

So what are some of the most important items to keep on board? Take a look at our list of emergency kit essentials to keep in your Toyota car, truck, or SUV this winter!

  1. Spare Tire and Portable Air Compressor. Fluctuating temperatures can impact tire pressure, and icy roads can be a recipe for spin-outs and damaged tires. Watch a few tutorials on how to change a tire if you need a refresher, and keep an eye on your tire pressure, particularly if the temperature drops rapidly.

  2. Winter Tires and Rims. Speaking of tires, be sure to have your Toyota vehicle equipped with winter boots before the snow starts to fly. Winter tires are a life-saving necessity for any Yukon driver. For help finding the right set of tires for your vehicle, plus expert installation services, be sure to visit the Whitehorse Toyota Tire Centre. You can also learn more about when to put winter tires on, and the many benefits of winter-tire technology, right here on the Whitehorse Toyota Blog.


  1. De-Icing Windshield Washer Fluid. You’ll go through more windshield washer fluid than you think during a bad storm. Make sure you have extra on hand, especially something rated for the -40 degree range.

  2. Salt, Sand, or Kitty Litter. Any of these products will help add traction under your tires during slippery conditions, plus the extra weight in the trunk of your Toyota can also help with traction.

  3. A Full Tank of Gas. Our team recommends not letting your tank dip below the halfway mark. If you get lost or need to pull over in a bad storm, the last thing you want to think about is not having enough gas to stay warm or get someplace safe.

  4. Portable Phone Charger. It will be important to call for help should the unthinkable happen. Keeping a portable phone charger in your glove box is a great idea all year long.

  5. Winter Clothes and Gear. You know the drill: keep a hat, mitts, wool socks, a spare pair of boots, an extra coat, and a set of thermal clothes in your emergency bag. Brightly coloured clothing is strongly recommended, and a fluorescent vest and water-resistant layer could be helpful as well.

  6. Food and Water. Have a supply of non-perishable and high-nutrient foods handy, like granola bars, trail mix, and dried fruit. Water bottles left in the car will likely freeze, so bring a fresh bottle with you each time you go out.

  7. Standard Auto Emergency Supplies. You should always have basics like jumper cables, a multipurpose tool set, insulating blanket, ice scraper, snow brush, flashlight with batteries, and traffic cones in the trunk of your car. You never know when these tools could come in handy should an unexpected emergency arise.

The Ultimate Peace-of-Mind: Toyota Connected Services

For added confidence on Yukon highways, Toyota Connected Services has you covered. Most Toyota vehicles come standard with Toyota Connected Services (and it’s available as an option on all other models), and it includes essential safety systems like Roadside Assist, Navigation Assist, and Emergency Response. Each of these features connects you with a live Toyota agent 24/7 using powerful connectivity technology, so even if you’re off-the-grid, your dedicated Toyota agent can help with things like calling a tow truck, dispatching emergency services to your exact location, or providing real-time navigation to help guide you home safely.

Take on the Yukon This Winter with Whitehorse Toyota

Whether you need winter tires, have questions about Toyota Connected Services, or want to talk about purchasing a new or used Toyota vehicle, we’re here to help. The Whitehorse Toyota team is eagerly standing by ready to assist with all of your automotive needs. Send us a message or visit us at our 111 Range Road dealership today!

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