Your Toyota Truck Winter Emergency Kit Must-Haves

By: Whitehorse Toyota   |   30 Nov 2023

You aren’t a true Yukon native unless you’ve caught yourself in at least one less-than-ideal situation in which you wished you had a winter emergency kit handy. While it might sound dramatic, for folks here in the Northern Capital, we know all too well that having a winter truck survival kit could mean the difference between life and death. Imagine getting stuck in a snow bank or slipping off of an icy road with an out-of-service cell phone in the middle of the boonies. Whether you’re driving a pickup truck or a commercial long-haul truck, it pays to be ready just in case something should go wrong. To make sure you make it home safe and sound this winter, here are some essential items you’ll want to keep in your truck in case of an emergency.

  1. Portable cellphone charger. In the event of an emergency, your instinct will be to call for help, which will be pretty hard to do if your phone goes dead. Not to mention, every Canadian knows by now that sub-zero temperatures will make your cellphone’s battery less efficient. Having a portable charger handy (and fully charged, duh) will be able to give your phone just enough juice to send assistance. It’s also helpful should your truck’s battery go dead.
  2. Road flares or signals. So, your phone’s swimming in ice and, at this point, rendered useless. If you are out in the middle of nowhere and there is no sign of any traffic coming your way, or the snow is creating visibility problems, then road flares can be a great signal. Try to go for ones that are made to show up in the harshest of weather conditions.
  3. Portable jumpstarter. Long gone are the days when your only hope of starting a car with a dead battery is to find another running vehicle. Today, you can simply grab your portable jumper, clip it to your battery terminals, and fire up your car. This one will not only jumpstart your car’s dead battery, but it also charges cellphones with two USB ports and has a built-in flashlight! 
  4. Flashlight or headlamp. Changing a flat tire in the middle of a blizzard is hardly a tea party. And if it's after 4 pm, you’ll definitely want to have a flashlight on you. We recommend going for something rechargeable so that you can keep it juiced up by plugging it into your truck occasionally.
  5. Water and snacks. You never know how long it's going to take for help to arrive. In order to keep your body temperature from dropping too far, it’s essential that you keep hydrated. And while we can go up to three weeks without food, high calories, non-perishable snacks will also help you stay warm in the cold.
  6. Fire starter kit.  Starting a fire is one of the most essential and invaluable camping or survival skills. Newspaper and matches are a simple, time-tested method. But roughing it out in the cold as you await to be rescued will be a lot easier with a fire starter kit.

Other Essentials

In an emergency situation, in addition to a full tank of gas, we also recommend having these with you at all times:

  • First-aid kit (band-aides, adhesive tape, antiseptic wipes, gauze pads, antiseptic cream, medical wrap)
  • Ice scraper and snow brush
  • Toolbox
  • Utility knife
  • Windshield cleaner
  • Blankets, mittens, socks and hats
  • A bag of sand to help with traction
  • Hand warmers (great for your shoes, too!)

Arrive Alive with Toyota

To ensure a safe return home to your family safely this winter, preparation is key. Thankfully,  Toyota Safety Connect, available through Toyota Connective Services, offers round-the-clock access to Toyota’s assistance center. Emergency services will be promptly alerted if the airbags in your Tundra, Tacoma, or any other Toyota model deploy. Have peace of mind knowing Whitehorse Toyota is always here to help!


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