Tips to Keep Your Vehicle Safe and Avoid Car Theft

By: Whitehorse Toyota   |   31 Aug 2023

While it might be challenging for drivers and families in the Northern Capital to fathom, car theft is currently increasing in Canada. Recent data indicates that from January to April 2023, there was a 26.5% surge in the number of stolen vehicles reported when compared to the same period in the previous year. Although many modern cars, such as Toyotas, come equipped with advanced security technology, the risk of theft always lingers. And I think we can all agree that learning how to prevent your car from being stolen is a lot easier than tracking it down once it’s gone. Here at Whitehorse Toyota, we prioritize your safety, which is why we have compiled several tips to help you safeguard your vehicle and deter car theft.

Always Lock Your Doors and Take Your Keys.

This might seem like common sense, but it's astonishing how often drivers overlook this fundamental rule when making a quick stop at a store or leaving their wallet behind on the kitchen counter. Thieves often watch your daily routine, searching for chances to steal your vehicle. You can discourage them by consistently making it a habit to close the windows, lock the doors, and take your keys with you every time you exit the car. With Toyota’s SmartKey feature through Connected Services, you can also lock and unlock your vehicle even from a distance, just in case you forget.

Install a Kill Switch

Kill switches serve a primary purpose: to inhibit the starting of a vehicle. These switches can be connected to the ignition system, fuel line, or battery. Installing a hidden kill switch and toggling it each time you exit the vehicle is crucial. Even if someone gains access to your car keys, they will be unable to drive it unless they locate and activate that switch.

Use a Steering Wheel, Brake, or Tire Lock

Among the more cost-effective choices in our selection, a steering wheel lock is an affordable option that attaches to your steering wheel and secures in position with a unique key. When someone attempts to turn the car, the extended arm of the steering wheel lock obstructs the windshield or console. The mere presence of a steering wheel lock typically discourages potential thieves seeking an easy target, although some individuals might resort to power tools to remove it. For optimal results, combine a steering wheel lock with another anti-theft device.

Etch Your VIN into the Windows

In some cases, thieves might steal your car with the intention of selling individual vehicle parts. However, selling parts with an etched identification number can pose a risk, as law enforcement can easily trace them. By engraving your vehicle identification number (VIN) onto each window of your car, you signal to others that you've implemented measures to safeguard it against theft. While this may not dissuade everyone considering stealing your vehicle, it will certainly discourage some potential thieves.

Even with Toyota’s host of advanced tech features fine-tuned for your security in mind, with car theft on the rise in Canada, it never hurts to take some extra precautions. For more questions about your vehicle security, don’t hesitate to contact the team here at Whitehorse Toyota!

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